Friday, September 26, 2008

The Great Schlep: Be A Part of History!

I don't usually use this blog to espouse my political views.
So many of you already do that much better than I ever could.
If you're not an Obama supporter, consider yourself forewarned.
You can come back Monday.
I won't be upset.

This came my way last night from my friend MAC who is going to Vegas soon to pound the pavement for Barack.

I found it so funny and so important, that while I'm not flying to Florida anytime soon, I am sending it to everyone I know.  This includes my parents (who are supporters) so they can share it with all their Jewish friends who, despite their dislike for McCain, refuse to vote for a BLACK man.


Please share it with everyone you know.

One last warning:  It's Sarah Silverman so there's lots of profanity.  Enjoy!

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.


Magpie said...

that was great - thanks. off to email it around.

ByJane said...

Oy, I wish my grandparents were still alive so I could do the Great Schlep.

Connie said...

That's funny! But don't you worry. I heard Bill say the other day that he is going to go down there and get you guys the 'cracker vote'.


Manic Mommy said...

Grandparents and father dead. And not Jewish. Mom has read both Obama books and enthusiastically supports him.

God I love sarah silverman. Now if I could only figure out how to embed this on my Facebook page...

Vodka Mom said...

that is TOO damn funny. I love sarah. Sarah silverman.....

Pseudo said...

I could watch this over and over. Especially tonight. Great post.

Anonymous said...

SS's humor is soooo the antidote to the snake oil that's pawning itself off as "good for what ails you." Thank God we can still laugh. Of course, if my daughter did the schlep back to another swing state, PA, my mother would kick her out on the street before she'd listen to anything good about Obama. I don't know how effectively we can talk sense to people who've made up their minds. They're old, not braindead...

Your Pal Pinki said...

A couple of my bloggy friends posted this. Too funny and she usually annoys me like crazy.

Cassandra said...

oh my goodness!
You have no idea how sad I am I missed this video prior election, it would have gone great with my Vote Obama collection. :)

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