Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blogging from the Holy Land

Though ive been MIA from the blogosphere of late, I wanted to stop by and say hello from the Holy Land.

Yes. That's right. I'm in Israel. Sufficiently jet-lagged (my husband surprised me with a last minute business class upgrade but when my son started crying at the thought of me being 10 rows up and a closed curtain away I decided to stay with him in coach and gave my luxurious seat/bed to my daughter.) What else could I do? I'm a sucker for my kids tears. Anyway, he knows he owes me big and now my daughter will have to love me forever. Right? Right? Not to mention the sweet gesture on hubby's part.

And now that i've stuffed myself with hummus,(omg, the hummus and falafel are so good here!), dipped my toes in the Mediterranean, and done exactly whatI was told not to do when I arrived (napped), I am wide awake at bedtime (brunch time in Los Angeles), and blogging. (will wonders never cease).

We are here for two weeks and I hope to post pix and stories of our discoveries.



McCammons said...

Can you say, jealous :) Hope you have a blast and take many many pictures!

shrink on the couch said...

This is one of the best features of the internets and blogging - company in the wee hours. Good for travelers, not so good for insomniacs :)

Have a wonderful trip!

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

have a wonderful, wonderful time! and lots of hummus :-)

looking forward to the pictures!

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