Monday, July 13, 2009

Give Me The Grateful Life - Monday

I am quickly losing track of time.  I cannot remember what day it is with no school or camp schedule to keep me in line.  The days are seamless, bleeding into one another.

But you know what?  I'll take that over getting up early, packing lunches, and carpools, any day.

Which leads me to this week's gratitude...
  • I am grateful for the lovely breakfast I had with Heather and Meghan (and two new friends, Hannah and (another) Heather), yesterday morning.  It's always nice to see my girls.
  • I am grateful for the selfish Sunday I had - swimming, sunning, and working out -  after a totally chaotic week.
  • I am grateful that the huge zit which lived and breathed on my chin for over a week is finally taking it's last breaths. 
  • I am grateful that I will have a new design for this blog soon.
  • I am grateful that my trip to Chicago is in little over a week.  Are you ready to PARTAY ladies!
What are you grateful for?


sarah said...

I love the idea of a Monday gratitude journal. I'm grateful that in 1.5 hours, I will get 3 hours to myself after dropping the child at preschool.

And no matter how far you still have to go, you've written more of your novel than I have of mine!

shrink on the couch said...

Like you, grateful for the slower pace of summer.

Florinda said...

See you in Chicago :-)!

Andrea's Sweet Life said...

I've been forgetting what day it is, too. It's frightening how quickly things run together! Thank goodness it's Friday, right?


Can't wait to see you in Chicago!

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