Monday, July 27, 2009

Give Me The Grateful Life Monday AKA BlogHer09 Follow-Up


I am once again surprised by the lingering impact the BlogHer weekends have on me.

Last year, my first, I didn't know what to expect. 

This year, I thought myself an "expert" and not vulnerable to being blindsided by the intensity.

But I am.  The schedule, the crowds, the number of great women (and few men) with whom I wanted to meet and connect. 

I am exhausted.

My head is spinning.

But I feel great.

I know there is a lot of negative buzz going on in Twitterland and elsewhere 2.0 about the weekend.  But I am choosing to be grateful for the fun times I had, the amazing people I met, the fantastic city I explored.  I'm letting the rest of it, the shit, settle to the bottom where it belongs.

So here is what I am grateful for today.  I will write in more detail once my brain is fully functioning:

  • I am grateful for getting to/from Chicago safely and on time.
  • I am grateful for not getting stuck in rush hour traffic and overstuffed limos.
  • I am grateful for going to so many parties and yet not being a party to high drama.
  • I am grateful for the amazing, informative seminars, the ROTFLMAO Humor Panel in particular.  (Please BlogHer ladies, get a bigger room next year, this subject deserves it.)
  • I am grateful for protein and oatmeal at breakfast.
  • I am grateful for a great roomie.
  • I am grateful for making it to the Cheezburger party this year.  (Where else would I don a McD's bag on my head and not look strange.)
  • I am grateful for seeing and meeting so many of my blogger (now IRL) friends.
  • And though, for me, BlogHer was NOT about the swag (I didn't go to parties for it and I didn't even visit the Expo until late Saturday afternoon), I am truly grateful for the Kodak pocket videocam.  Sweeeeet.
  • And, of course, I'm grateful for my husband who supremely held down the fort in my absence.
  • And I am grateful for my kids.  (Who I still think are cute.  Ask me later today.)

Welcome home everyone. 


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I'm here, and I'm reading! And completely still exhausted!

And man, I would have forgone all my other swag for a Kodak pocket videocam ... well, maybe not the case of wine I got from the post Recovery Breakfast! LOL!

And you know, am not even sure if we met in person, but I follow you on Twitter and we probably did meet! !?!?

Heather, Queen of Shake Shake said...

I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed the humor panel. Yay!

I wish people would lighten up with the drama. Laugh at the less than pleasant sides of the conference and it'll diffuse. At least for me humor does that. But maybe I'm weird.

1A said...

You were at the comedy panel too? I laughed so hard I cried. It was fantabulous.

We went to so many of the same things but only found each other at the Shutter Suite. So glad. It was great to meet you!

Remember. Call me when you get into the Iowa Writers Workshop. I'll meet you for lunch. :)

KC said...

Loved meeting you, eating steak together, and pissing off half the restaurant. You are just lovely, especially for not laughing at me too much thursday night at PJ Clarke's.

JCK said...

I'm so sorry I missed it this year. It sounds like it was great fun. I hope to be there next year! A humor panel sounds fantastic.

Manic Mommy said...

The humor panel was by far my favorite and second only to the keynotes for 'official' BlogHer activities.

I am so grateful for my awesome roomie, that I got to take the Architectural Tour with you, and most of all to spend so much time with my wonderful new/old friends.

the mama bird diaries said...

So great to see you! I had a much better time this year. I knew what to expect.

bernthis said...

Just wanted to say hi and I look forward to seeing you back in L.A. It was great to meet you

Elisa Taub said...

I am grateful for you, my great roomie, who made me end blogHer 09 on a high note by going to the cheezburger party -- at least for a little while.

Unknown said...

I am grateful to have met you at BlogHer09 and realizing that we have similar roots! Woo Hoo! I know, you don't have much hometown pride but still, woo hoo! Small world!

Drink Recipes said...

Grreat reading your blog

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