Monday, April 20, 2009

Give Me The Grateful Life - Monday

The last two weeks have sucked the big one for a myriad of reasons, some huge and significant, some small and merely bothersome.  But the thing about life is that each new day, each new week, is an opportunity for improvement.   At least that's how I'm choosing to look at it right now.

So let's focus on some gratitude!

  • I am grateful for a new week: one where I won't be wasting away in bed.
  • I am grateful each day my daughter peforms better in school.
  • I am grateful for the giggle I just had when my daughter fell in the pool fully clothed (while playing fetch with my dog).
  • I am grateful for the beautiful flowers blooming in my yard.
  • I am grateful for gouda cheese.

What are you grateful for this week?  Please share.


Lisa @ Let's Talk Babies said...

Beautiful post. Reflecting on what we have to be grateful for can be so refreshing.

I'm grateful for my daughter and her cheerful smile (even when she has a cold). I'm also grateful for the beautiful weather and beautiful spring flowers.

shrink on the couch said...

I'm grateful for all variety of cheese and I've got the big arse to prove it!

P.S. Hope you turn the corner over the next two weeks.

I can't find my blog said...

I'm grateful that this heat will not last the week. Inland it has SUCKED!

I am grateful for red wine, impromptu parties, and new friends to share both with.

Manic Mommy said...

I am grateful that Andy ended up not traveling to TX.

I'm grateful that just the thought of him being gone for a whole week makes me miss him like crazy.

My Bottle's Up! said...

i'm grateful that you make a "grateful" post... because i don't, and it's needed.

i'm also grateful for my husband. he's strong and i lean on that strength a lot.

i'm grateful that my 85 lb has 85 lbs of love for our family.

My Bottle's Up! said...

umm... yeah, i meant to say 85 lb LABRADOR... has 85 lbs of love for our family.

(who has had pinot grigio tonight? ME!)

anymommy said...

I'm grateful that I'm sleeping through the night without getting up to pee...

Hope you are feeling better?! I'm going to email you and bug you in the next few days.

Jennifer Ortiz said...

I am grateful for my children. I am grateful my daughter is such an amazing person, and my baby boy is such an inspiration to others.

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