Thursday, April 17, 2008


Given my hysterics in the recent post, ALERT: THIS BLOG IS KILLING ME, I thought some of you bloggers who experience the same anxiety might be interested in an article I found written by Jesse Hines for Vigorous Writing. The bottom line advice is "get back to the basics of why you started the blog" and "enjoy".

Sounds pretty obvious. I'm game.


Anonymous said...

Great article! I have to constantly remind myself that I don't HAVE to do anything. Really, I am such a slave driver!

I started my blog because I love to learn about things and share it with other people and I like to write. Of course, I was hoping that I could make lots of money doing it too. I am realizing that blogging your way to fame and fortune probably isn't as easy as it looks. Maybe I should look for some paid writing gigs? Maybe I should put that new real estate license to use? Maybe I should finally start the life coaching business I've been talking about for YEARS. This writing for free is fine, but not when I spend hours everyday working on it!

Oh well, time to reassess my life...again.

Sonia Michaels said...

This piece is GREAT--thanks for linking to it. I'm just starting to get my feet wet, so it's nice to get some good common-sense advice.


Anonymous said...

Lori - ditto! except what I really want to do is write but I spend hours a day trying to better my blog!

Sonia - it helped me take a breath, glad it helped you, too.

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