Monday, June 8, 2009

Give Me The Grateful Life - Monday

It's June Gloom here on Los Angeles' westside.  I'm wrapped in a sweater, gazing at grey skies, waiting for the first rain drop to fall.  This is the one time of the year where it is NOT better to live by the beach.  While the rest of you thaw in the heat of the new summer sun, we ocean neighbors chatter our teeth, socked in by cool, damp, blankets of fog until late afternoon. 

We may get to neener, neener the rest of the year, but in May and June, you have it all over us. 

You may gloat now.

But it's Monday, so enough complaining, let's get to the gratitude.

  • I am grateful that my son and his friends had a fantastic time at his birthday party.
  • I am grateful that no bones or furniture were harmed during the production of said birthday party.
  • I am grateful that both of my kids are occupied until 5pm today. 

Yes, the boy with the wild expression and the equally wild hair... my son.

What are you grateful for today?


I can't find my blog said...

I'm actually grateful for the June Gloom. It kept Vegas nice and cool this weekend-a nice change from the usual 110. And I'm absolutely grateful for 2 days ALONE with my hubby this weekend. Best 2 days in a LOOOOOONG TIME.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

I am grateful that it is significantly less than the normal 145 degrees in Sacramento right now.

anymommy said...

I am grateful for truffle cake balls covered in baker's chocolate.

Oh and any time my kids are occupied until 5 p.m. it's like Christmas for me!

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