Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Give Me The Grateful Life - (Tuesday??)

Okay, so I'm a day late, but hopefully not a dollar short...
I blame it on being out of town, on being out of my usual routine...

But no more excuses, let's get to today's GRATITUDE...This is the week for gratitude, is it not???

  1. I am grateful that we made it to Park City unharmed and without harming anyone else.  (Details in a post to come.)
  2. I am grateful there's no snow because I have too much work to go skiing.
  3. I will be extra grateful the day I get paid for said work.
  4. I am grateful for being with family in this absolutely gorgeous location.
  5. I am grateful for blue skies, clean air, and mild temperatures.  
  6. And, of course, I am grateful for being a part of this amazing, in-the-spirit-of-holiday-giving contest.

Please check this post for details.

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving week??


Kim Tracy Prince said...

I'm grateful that when my 19-monht-old accidentally got twice the normal allergy medication dose today, it was a *harmless* mistake instead of something much worse.

I can't find my blog said...

Grateful that HD's surgery went well.
Grateful that my family is here.
Grateful that I don't have to go anywhere on T-giving.
Eternally grateful for red wine!

I can't find my blog said...

Oh, and one more thing...grateful that it only took me one hour at the grocery today! Whoot!

Bobbi said...

I'm grateful that I can food on the table for Thanksgiving tomorrow and have a place to hang my head at night.

And I'm grateful for my animals, they will keep me company tomorrow as I attempt to make my first Thanksgiving meal!

Vodka Mom said...

happy, happy thanksgiving!!!

the mama bird diaries said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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