Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My BlogHer Bitches - IRL

I've been remiss in writing about all the wonderful people I met at BlogHer. Partly, because I've been consumed with getting a new Iphone (I got one!)and with fixing my damn email problems. And partly because I don't want to add to the already annoyingly voluminous posts on the same subject.

(sorry non-BlogHers)

I MUST give a shout-out to some lovely ladies who helped make my first BlogHer an incredible experience.

I met so many (I have over 100 business cards to prove it) so I will only mention some of the gals I hung out with:

A MOM TWO BOYS (I love you. I saved your drunk-dialed phone message on my phone cause it was just so DAMN SWEET). We must get together to drink wine - lots and lots of wine. You are such a cutie-pie even if you are 17 years younger (ouch!)

HEADLESS MOM - You are a blast and I totally dug your "business card". Too bad the puppy got a hold of it. Loved hanging out with you, wish I could have done it more, damn Iphone...

MOMMY BITS - What can I say, you and I are a good team - we could part the Red Sea if alcohol was involved. And who else can I thank for posting my Iphone debacle on twitter. I'll be famous forevah!

ANDREA'S SWEET LIFE - You were so much fun to hang with and you seriously have the cutest glasses and the BESTEST hair.

BYJANE - Dahling, it was soooo good to finally meet you. We must get together when you've settled in - BEVERLY HILLS, perhaps????

MOTHERSCRIBE - Babe, you are so nice, not to mention a looker. Not only are you beautiful but you write erotic poetry - a guy's dream! And those fishnets, ooh, those fishnets...

AMY IN OHIO - I have your card and I will DEFINITELY NEVER forget you. You are a ton o' fun.

NO WATCH ME! - Glad I spent the evening with you. You trusted me to choose your lip gloss. That means SO MUCH to me.

SAVVYAUNTIE - a long lost sister of the East Coast (including Canada) kind. Who else would I let share my room?

Next year in Jerusalem at BlogHer (or sooner in Vegas - huh, huh?)

*photo stolen from courtesy of A Mom Two Boys' flicker stream. (I would have uploaded more but my computer didn't cooperate)


ByJane said...

You got 100 cards? Sheesh! I did notice that you are one helluva networker. Me, I always think--why would they want me to bother them. I'm riding on your coattails the next time.

Dawn said...

I'm so, so envious. Next year, I am there, dammit!

I hate feeling left out.

cpckqueen said...

quite the social butterfly you have become - you are like a sorority girl!!!! so nice to see you evolve from that long ago dark side!!!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Ditto Dawn.

the mama bird diaries said...

i am so happy you got your iPhone!

I can't find my blog said...

Thanks for the shout out.

I had a blast with you too. I even thought I saw you driving on the way home-then I realized that you flew.

That damn BlogHer fog. I still haven't kicked it yet.

JCK said...

What?! Too many BlogHer posts??? I know..I know... it's getting disgusting. But, it was fun...*sigh*

One of the best parts was meeting you. You of ravishing loveliness and you who better meet me somewhere to have a drink in town.

Glad your electronic devices are up and running.

Manic Mommy said...

Just a glutton for punishment, I love hearing all the stories.

Did you ever see Stella Dallas with Bette Davis? The scene where she's watching her daughter's wedding through the window as she stands out on the sidewalk?

You see the connection.

Anonymous said...

As a person who grew up hating her glasses and having BAD HAIR X 10, I would like to kiss your feet right now.

A Mom Two Boys said...

Just TRY to stop me from coming down your way and tracking you down. I'll do it. Don't tempt me.

You were a blast, even if you were a bit of a party pooper with the whole IPhone in the toilet thing. Oh well, no using the bathroom next year for you and we'll be good to go! Ha. Pun not intended. But funny.

ShannanB said...

I absolutely loved hanging out with you at the Macy's event. I had so much fun.

I hope you have some sort of ceremonial "smashing" of the $40 phone.

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